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Brindavan College Of Engineering

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Our Departments


    "In the world of Computer Science and Engineering, knowledge is the fuel, innovation is the engine, and curiosity is the compass."

  • AI&ML

    "In the realm of AI and ML Engineering, data fuels intelligence, algorithms shape possibilities, and human ingenuity unlocks the future."

  • DS

    "In the realm of Data Science Engineering, curiosity uncovers insights, algorithms transform information, and innovation drives the data-driven revolution."

  • ECE

    "In the world of Electrical Engineering, innovation sparks connections, knowledge illuminates possibilities, and passion generates power."

  • MEC

    "In the world of Mechanical Engineering, creativity designs innovation, precision builds progress, and machines bring dreams to life."


    "In the realm of Civil Engineering, we lay the groundwork for a better tomorrow, one structure at a time."

Our Blog & News

  • "Student Spotlights:"

    We shine a spotlight on the achievements, successes, and inspiring stories of our students. Learn about their academic accomplishments, extracurricular activities, community involvement, and unique experiences.

  • Faculty Features:

    Get to know our esteemed faculty members through insightful interviews, profiles, and articles. Discover their areas of expertise, ongoing research projects, and their contributions to the academic community.

  • Campus Events and Activities:

    Stay connected with the vibrant campus life through our blog. We cover a wide range of events, including seminars, workshops, conferences, cultural festivals, and student club activities. Don't miss out on exciting opportunities to engage, network, and enhance your college experience.

  • Alumni Updates:

    We highlight the achievements and journeys of our esteemed alumni. Discover how their education at our college has influenced their career paths, learn about their professional accomplishments, and stay connected with our alumni network.

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